Among the responsibilities that the Construction Inspector is responsible for from day to day are assuring that the contractor and their subcontractors follow all construction contract requirements, and all permits are in place. Our Resident Engineers and Construction Inspectors have many years of experience with project management and construction oversight. All federal, state, and local permits are reviewed to maintain a high level of regulatory compliance.
In addition, during the construction and inspection of these civil construction projects, JTC staff continuously documents the installation of project components per design drawings, specifications, federal, and state regulations, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards, and Federal Highway Administration Standards.
JTC’s CE&I team is as familiar with the administrative specifications governing construction contracts as they are the technical specifications. Most important among these administrative functions is financial management. This scope includes working on the Owner’s behalf to manage, track, and verify the bid items and quantities during construction.
Our significant strength is being able not only to perform the project management and permitting duties in a professional and comprehensive manner, but also supplement that with experienced engineers and project managers with practical onsite construction experience. A key component of JTC’s broad range of construction related services includes resident engineering and construction inspection. Our construction professionals work closely with owners, design professionals, and construction contractors to ensure quality projects given the challenges of schedule, budget, safety and other constraints. Our resident engineering/construction inspection staff safeguards compliance with design documents, perform quality field inspections and maintain excellent project records.
To learn more about our CE&I services, please contact Asher Anderson, CCM.